Looking to make money online from WordPress blog, it is a great idea to make some extra money in your pocket. You already learn about WordPress. WordPress is the biggest content management system where you can create your WordPress blog very easily.
If you don't know how to create a WordPress blog then read it once. Here we discuss how to make money online from your WordPress blog.
In this article, I share top proven ways to make money online from home. It is the power to be your own boss. You can work in your free time. As much time invests in research and development you can do better and better.
Quick Reminder: It is not a quick rich scheme or method. You have to improve yourself more and more by continuously increase your knowledge. If you do it seriously then one time comes when you earn a lot of money in just one day.
So be patient and doing it accourately. Correct your mistake and improve more.

45+ Proven Ways To Make Money Online
There are lots of ways to make money online from home without investment. So I consider you create a WordPress blog. You are ready to follow this guide and implement it in your new blog to make some extra money.
Here I going to breakdown more than 45 Proven ways to make money online from your WordPress blog online. Here is a quick checkout of the few ways
Make Money Online Through Monetize Your Blog
If you have a blog then it is a very good option to make money from your blog through monetizing your blog by different networks. There are huge options available to monetize blogs such as Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, sell ads space and more. I try to tell you details one by one.

1. Monetize through Google Adsense
Every blogger first comes in mind is Google Adsense. If your blog has a large amount of traffic then you can generate a very good amount of money from it.
There is no such rule and regulations to apply your blog for Google Adsense. But you have to care about something so that you get approved very quickly.
For some Example, some important page is mandatory to get approved very quickly. Such as about page, Contact page, Privacy Policy page, Disclaimer page. These have must get Google Adsense approval.
Another condition is your content must be unique. No, Copywrite content is allowed. So, to get approval quickly write some unique content and create these pages. Here is a detailed guide on How To Approve Google Adsense Account Quick And Make Money.
If you get Google Adsense approval then you no need to contact the advertiser directly. Google will do it for you. One more thing is you get the right time payment.
You learn more about Google Adsense then see this video once
2. Earn Money Online Through Affiliate Marketing
Maybe you know the term “Affiliate Marketing”. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make a decent amount of money from your blog. There are more than 100+ best affiliate marketing websites available all over the world.
Affiliate marketing means to promote Other company products or services through your blog and make some commission when someone purchases some service or product. You can promote the affiliate products through links or banner.
Choose the right affiliate program which is related to your blog. If you choose the right program then you can generate a good amount of money.
For example, your blog is health-related then choose a health-related program for your blog. Some good affiliate company is Commission Junction, Amazon, eBay, etc. You can easily create an Affiliate marketing website and make money through your website.
You can simply view this video once to get a clear idea
3. Sell Ads Space On Your WordPress Blog
If you don't want to work with Google AdSense or don't comfortable with affiliate marketing then you can sell your ads space in your blog in differents rate,
For Example, 250 x 250 size for one month in right sidebar Rate $50/Month and more.
Here is a fact of CPC Ads And CPM Ads. CPC Ads means Cost Per Click And CPM Ads Means Cost per 1000 Impression. You can choose anyone for your blog to make money online from your blog.
Here is a benefit is you have control ads space in your blog and set your price for ads space. If your blog has a good amount of traffic then the advertiser will contact you to the ad on your website.
4. Publish Other's Post On Your Blog
Another good advantage of creating a blog is published other's posts on your blog and make some extra money without doing anything. Do you probably think that how can it possible?
It is possible. Suppose you have a website that has good quality content and a good domain score. On the other hand, I have created a new website which is quite similar to you. But In my blog don't have enough backlink so I want quality backlink.
I approach you to give a quality backlink from your blog. I write a post according to your blog and I send it to you. You publish my post on your blog for some money. You get money and I get quality backlink from your blog, that's it. It's a give and takes the policy.
5. Advertise WordPress Themes And Plugins
Make money online free by advertising some WordPress themes and plugins on your blog. You can simply do it by joining some themes affiliate program. Some good themes affiliate program to join is Themesforest, Athemes, Themegril and more.
On the other hand, Promote some useful WordPress plugins which need every blogger. You can simply cover it all by writing an article on it.
You can simply manage it by using some plugins such as ad router or advance ads. This plugin will help you to manage your ads and also rotate your ads. If someone purchases plugins or themes then you make a commission.
6. Write Paid Review On Your Blog
Your blog generates a good amount of traffic then you can write a paid review of any product which is similar to your blog. You can simply demand a charge to write a review of a product from a company.
For example, you create a blog on a health blog. Your blog generates monthly more than 50,000 pageviews. Then you write any health-related product review on your blog and charge some money for it.
You can directly ask a company to write a paid review on your blog. Simply you can get many customers according to their needs. Here is a website “Payperpost” that may help you to reach the customer.
Here you get two benefits, for example, you paid to write a review and you get the product also for use.
7. Sell Ad Directly Using WordPress Plugins
If you are using Google Adsense then you can earn money but the amount of money will be limited. You are totally dependent on Google. If someone comes to your blog and click on ads provided by Google. You make a commission, but it will depend on google that which ad serves by google and CPC.
Instead of doing with Google Adsense you can directly contact the advertiser for ads. Most of the bloggers charge a flat rate for ads space. Though directly selling ads takes more work in comparison to Google Adsense.
You have to set a price list and create terms and conditions for selling ads. You must do an agreement for selling ads directly. Otherwise, you may have trouble in the future.
Simply using some WordPress plugins you can do it easily. I recommend you to use Adsanity to manage it all.
8. Make Money Online Through Website Flipping
Maybe you don't have any idea about website flipping. If you have an idea then ok. Actually website flipping means sell an established website.
You already know how to create WordPress Blog Online then you are one step ahead of others. Sometimes entrepreneurs or established blogger want to buy an established website which generates traffic and have good backlinks. They paid a good amount of money for these websites.
You create a website and write a few posts on your site then your site generate traffic. After that, you can simply sell your website at a high price.
This video may help you to understand Batter how to do website flipping. See the video once to get a clear idea.
The questions are where you sell and who buys? Don't worry here is a website flippa which will help you to sell.
Make Money Online Through Selling Digital Product Online

9. Sell Digital Product Online
On the web have thousands of digital products available, you can pick anyone and start promoting through your blog online. For example, you can choose any ebook, any health coaching video course, or any other premium video course and more.
You have to join these programs after that you get an affiliate link from that company. You have to promote that link or banner through your blog.
All the processes are the same but the concept is slide differents. You can make money online from home by simply add some links to your blog post. No shipping problem, No refund problem.
10. Make Money Online Through Selling Ebook Online
You know how to create a website so you can simply create a digital store. You have been blogging for some time. so you collect some knowledge about blogging.
Simply collect some of your blog posts and convert them into an ebook. You can design your ebook cover by using Canva and create a pdf for your ebook.
Selling a digital product on your store using WordPress is very easy. You can manage ebook download by using “Easydigitaldownload“.It is very easy to use and manage download with simple steps.
11. Sell Some Online Course On Your Blog
Online course selling is more profitable that sell an ebook. If you have sound knowledge of any topic then you can create an online course and sell this course into your blog.
First Create a lesson for your online course. Then record video for your course. Most of the online course providers set a plan, one is free to plan and another is a premium plan.
You can set some basic videos for free members and some premium videos for paid members. Manage your membership plan by using Learndash or memberpress.
12. Make Money With Host A Paid Webinar
The webinar is another great way to create your brand and build some audience. Most advantages of a webinar are to promote your business. You can make money online in a smart way through a webinar.
The webinar is quite similar to online courses. But there are some differences between online courses and webinars.
In the webinar, you have to live and there be questions and answer sections. WordPress makes very easy to manage your paid webinar. You can simply advertise your paid webinar and get some registrant for your webinar.
13. Promote Others Webinar Product And Make Money
You already get an idea of Paid Webinar from before paragraph. If you don't comfort to make a paid webinar. You can simply promote other webinars and make money online fast.
Make money online from home without investment by simply promoting the webinar. You can make a good amount of money by promoting a webinar on your blog or website.
You can make $50 to $500 or more by joining a single person into a webinar. Imagine if you can join 20 people in a single month and the average cost is $250 then you make $250 x 20 = $5000 in a single month.
14. Start Freelancing Service On Your Blog
Start a freelancing service like freelancer.com. Freelancer is the biggest website for providing varieties types of digital services all over the world.
Work as a blogger you already know how to create a blog, how to write a post and more things. So you can simply work as a freelancer and make money online free. Freelancing is a very popular way to make a good amount of money on the freeway. Because here you don't need to invest any money.
You just start offering services like web design, logo design, content writing and more. For invoicing and collect the payment you can use Freshbooks plugins.
15. Start Own Consulting Service
Consulting service is another way to make money online from home without investment. You have knowledge about how to solve a business problem or how to rank a website in google then you give suggestions to your customer and charge money for this service.
You doing freelancing service, so you also provide a value for your existing customer by simply provide consulting service into the same blog. If you doing then you can create a bond with your customer.
Simply create a quote form by using Contact Form 7 Or WP Forms. These two plugins are very good and easy to create a contact form.
16. Become a Successful Coach
If you think consulting service does not feet for you then you can become a successful coach of any service you are expert.
A successful coach set goal for their client, guide them to become successful in life, and more things. In which topic you are an expert you can help step by step to your audience to become successful.
17. Create An Auction Website Online
Auctions website is a kind bidding website. In auction website user bids on the product to buy a product. In the auction website, sellers and buyers both are benefited. Here sellers get the best value for their product and buyer find their unique suitable product.
eBay is the best example of the Auction website. You can simply create an auctions website like eBay by using WordPress. Simply allow third-party vendors to list their products on your website.
Set a flat charge for the third parties to list their product or set a commission for each sale from your website.
To create an auction website with WordPress you need some plugins
- Woocommerce Plugins
- An Auctions Add On
- A Multivendor Add On
18. Become a Partner With Clickbank
Clickbank is a very good and large website that provides on the web which provides different types of digital products to promote through your blog.
One of the most amazing things is ClickBank provides upto 90% commission for a digital product. In ClickBank, if a product costs $100 then you can simply make $90 for selling a single product.
Choose your product according to your niche and start promoting through your blog. Always choose a product that has a good Gravity Score.
Make Money Online Through Paid Membership Website

19. Create Questions And Answer Website
Question and answer creation is a great idea to make money online from home without doing anything. Maybe you see Quora, it is growing day by day very quickly. You can simply create a website just like Quora.
You can create a website like quora by using WordPress themes and Plugins. In questions and answer website users post their questions on your site and also users also write the answer to other questions by sharing their knowledge.
After successfully creating your website do some basic SEO for your blog. Here you can generate a large amount of traffic into your website. You can run ads to your site and make money.
If you see that your website generates a large amount of traffic then you can simply charge a flat rate for your membership plan.
Use QAengine WordPress themes to create a website or create Askme themes for questions and answer website. Both themes are well to Choose anyone.
20. Create A Paid Forum
Don't want to create a question and answer like WordPress website then you can simply create a paid forum. In paid forums share premium content to your user and advance users can also share their knowledge.
Creating a forum is quite similar to QA based website. You can make very money online free by creating a forum.
Set a charge for the membership plan. You can set three types of members, basic user, advanced user, and pro user and more. Charge a flat rate for each membership plan. Also, set terms and conditions for your forum.
You can use Responsive Forum themes for WordPress.
21. Create Paid Member Content Site
This concept is quite similar to create a forum online. In a forum, users can post or share their knowledge but here admin can only share or publish a post.
If you have sound knowledge of any topic then you share your knowledge with your audience by simply charge a monthly price for membership plan. Create two types of user one is free user and another is paid users.
In free users you can simply share some basic key features of your content, on the other hand, you share premium content that is paid for premium members.
22. Make Money Through Video Coaching Website
You know how to create a blog or website and how to stand your website in the crowd. So in your blogging journey, you face many problems and also overcome these problems. You can simply share your knowledge through a website. You can charge for each video or for a whole plan or monthly plan.
In WordPress you find many themes to create like this website. Here are a theme called “Colead | Coaching & Online Courses WordPress Theme“.
23. Create Paid Job Board Website
Job Board website is very popular to make money online fast and easy way. Create a job board site in WordPress is very easy.
You should create a job listing website just like upWork. Promote your job board site to micro-niche platforms which are similar to your website to get your customer very quickly and cheap way.
Simply charge a small fee to complete a job or you can charge amount for the job listing. The more successful jobs complete to your site you will get more customers and freelancers to your site.
Here is a guide how to create a job board website in WordPress.
24. Make WordPress Event Calendar With Paid Submission
If you don't want to create a job board website in WordPress then you can create WordPress Event Calendar With Paid Submission. Here you can promote differents business events into your blog.
The business event may be Seminar, Webinar, Press Submit or more. If your site has a large number of the audience into your blog then business owners may pay you a good amount of money to promote their business through your blog.
The paid event calendar is another great way to make money online from home without investment of any money. Use The Event Calendar or all in one event calendar to create a website.
25. Create Paid Business Directory
The local business directory is extremely helpful for everyone. In local business directory gather much information about a business. Such as the services they are providing, business hours, type of business, customer review of their business and more.
Google my business and yellow page is the best example of a local business directory.
You can charge an amount to list their business in the local directory. Classify them in country or state wise.
26. Make Money Online Through Paid Job Submission Site
The paid job submission site is another way to make money online from home. In paid job submission site you don't need to do anything after successfully establish your site.
You can choose a micro-niche to create your website. Then competition will be low and it will be easy to rank your site in a few days. Charge an amount for each client to submit their job into your site. There must be a time validity of showing their job listing.
Use Wp Job manager to create an online paid job submission website or there are many themes in WordPress you can use to build your site.
27. Create Premium Coupon Site
Coupon site is trending nowadays. We all search coupons when going to buy any product online. Create a coupon site and make money online from your blog very easily.
You can choose varieties of coupons such as recharge coupon, Food Coupon, hosting coupon, amazon discount, eBay discount and more.
Create an account with commission junction, it is very large platforms where you pick up 1000 of daily deals and coupons according to your niche.
To create Coupon website you can choose Wp Coupon Themes or Plugins to manage your coupon site.
Make Money Online By Selling Physical Product

28. Create A Dropshipping Business
Dropshipping business is one kind of affiliate marketing business where you sell physical products online by purchasing them from another website. You can purchase products in bulk or single.
To start a dropshipping business you need to choose a micro-niche to become successful. If you choose many products then you can not do well.
Create a dropshipping store is like to create an eCommerce store. Here you take an order and handle your customer but the shipment process is done by the third party which is totally hidden. A customer even doesn't know about it.
You get woocommerce dropshipping add on to create your dropshipping store online with WordPress.
29. Start An eCommerce Business Online
Have your own product? Then why not start your own eCommerce store? WordPress makes it quite easy to create a store online.
Though manage an eCommerce store is quite difficult because you have to set product prices, upload each product individually, manage customer service, manage shipping service and a lot of more things.
After installing WordPress go to themes sections and search for eCommerce themes install any themes and install Wocommerce to manage your store.
30. Create eCommerce Store With Amazon
One can easily create an eCommerce store with amazon. It is one of the affiliate marketing programs where you can earn money online by promoting amazon products into your store.
First, join amazon associate programs than see the commission list of products. Choose the niche in which you are interested. Always choose micro-niche to become more successful and choose higher commission products to get more commission.
31. Make an eCommerce Store With eBay
Creating an eCommerce store with eBay is similar to create an eCommerce Store with amazon. Both are the same way to make money online from home.
Here I write the two options because if you don't want to work with amazon then you can join the eBay affiliate program to make some extra money.
32. Create your own T-shirts Store Online
Almost everyone wears T-shirts, so create a T-shirt store is quite profitable for everyone. So, opening a T-shirt store is away from monetizing your blog online. Designing and Selling T-shirts make your user unique and it is also free promoting for your business.
There are many services who allow you to upload your own design and they print your design and sell them and you get some commission from selling.
33. Sell your Own Store Product Online
Our online activity increases day by day and we are more active online than offline. If you have your own store and you sell the product offline then it is the best time to go live.
Suppose you sell an old laptop in your store then it's time to go live and make more sales online. Create an online store with WordPress it's free to use and sell online from anywhere. In online where is your shop that does not matter? Enable delivery system so that you can sell across India.
34. Make A Store With Alibaba.com
Maybe you know the name of Alibaba, it is a giant platform of any physical product. Here you can find 1000 products at a very low price.
You can work with Alibaba in three ways one is joining with them through the affiliate program. Then paste your affiliate link or banner to your website and drive traffic. When someone buys any product through your affiliate link then you generate commission.
The second process is to buy bulk products from Alibaba at a low price then sell them to your store at a high price. In the second option, you have to invest money.
The last ways are a dropshipping business which I already discussed. In my options choose first or third options. In the first options, you get less commission.
35. Create a store with Aliexpress
Aliexpress and Alibaba is a quite similar website where anyone can purchase the product at a very low price.
Here I just tell you the two giant websites, if you don't want to create a store with Alibaba then you can choose Aliexpress as an alternative option. Or you can create a shop with both of them.
Work As A Design And Developer

36. Design Others Website And Make Money Online
You have knowledge of creating a website or maintain a website then work as a professional website designer.
Make a portfolio using WordPress and write down the brief of your service. Take orders from the client of your service and make money online by providing them a good value.
A web designer makes a good amount of money on a monthly basis by just delivery services. You can charge $35 to $1000 to design a website according to your client's needs.
37. Work As A WordPress Themes Designer
You learn codding then you can design themes for your client or modify any themes according to your client demands and charge a good amount of money from your client.
Design a free theme for WordPress and create another premium version of these themes. If someone installs the free themes and wants to upgrade to the premium version then charge for your premium themes.
38. Design WordPress Plugins
Design WordPress plugins for your customers or modify any WordPress plugins for your customers. You can simply create your plugins in two versions one is a free version with limited features and another is paid version with all features.
39. Work As A Logo Designer
A logo design is a good way to make money online fast. If you are an expert as a designer then your logo design is the best option for you.
You can charge $10 To $100 to design a logo. If you are an expert then it will take a maximum of 5 hours to design a logo. Join some work providing companies like freelancers, up work, Fiverr and more.
40. Develop a Company Website
Know how to design a website and how to do maintain a website. So you can take the project from the direct company or from a freelance website and complete the project and deliver to the clients.
Another one thing you can do an agreement with your clients for longer terms such as 3 years or 5 years and charge an amount to maintain their website. Then you also get money for a long time and your clients also don't have a problem maintaining the website.
41. Make Money Online As A Content Writer
Content writing is a good way to make some extra money in your pocket. If you are an expert in article writing, Sales Latter writing, Email Writing then you can make a huge amount of money in the present days.
You can charge for every word you write. For example, you can charge $25 for 500 words. But your content must be attractive which must have the power to generate more sales.
42. Create An App
If you are an expert in creating Application then you can make money online through it. You can create an app for your website and approve it for ads. Then you can make money through ap monetizations.
You can simply charge a rate to create an app for $100 for an app. Take the project from a freelancer like a website and complete the task and make money online.
One more way is to redesign the app. Suppose a Company creates an app for 4 years ago and now Company wants to modify the app or want to change the design of the app. You can do it and charge it.
43. Make Money Through Your Youtube Video
If you are a Youtuber then these options are for you. You can create a video website where you can upload videos only. when you upload a video to youtube then you embedded the video to your website with a youtube publishing link.
After uploading some video you can apply for ads Company to ad their ad on your website. Or as your site is video related then apply for video ads get more money than text ads.
44. Create A Social Media Website
We all use social media like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Each social media generate tons of traffic every day. You can create a social media website and use the power of traffic.
FAQs About Make Money Online With WordPress
I am Surojit, I always try to help people to start blogging online and make money from it. Here I enlist some important questions and answers. Still now if you have any questions you can write in the comment box below or directly contact me from contact us Page.
Which is The Best Way to Make Money Online For Me?
Which is the best way to make money online for you it totally depends upon you and your blog topic.
for example, if your blog is health-related then you can work on affiliate marketing is best for you to make extra money.
Can I Make Money From Free Blog?
Yes, you can make money from the blog. But if you create your blog on wordpress.com then you can see that some ads come in your blog some times. You don't have control over which ad comes in your free blog.
How Much Money Can I Make From Blogging?
It totally depends upon you how much money you earn. It really depends upon you how much effort you put and the time you are investing.
Next how much money you made depends on your website traffic and which monetization method you apply. Most of the successful blogger generate six-figure income from their blog.
How Long It Will Take To earn Money Online?
How much time you invest in your blog is depending on how fast you get success in your blog. It normally takes 3 to 6 six months to generate a good amount of income from a blog.
In the blog, I just include more than 40 ways by which you can make money online totally free. There are lots of ways also available on the web to make money online from home. If you are new here then you can easily try these ways to make money from home. According to my opinion, you can create a profitable blog and make money free from there.
Please let me know which way is best for you to make money online and you try it for you. If any other ways also you apply for you and earn money from there then write your experience in the comment box below so that other new blogger get idea from you.
2 thoughts on “45+ Proven Ways To Make Money Online From Your Blog”
Thanks, Surojit for sharing such detailed information about making money online and it’s really helpful and inspiring for everyone out there willing to start a new blog thanks for such awesome information I really appreciate your help and work.
Best Regards
Ashish Sharma
Thanks, Ashish for your nice comment