Are you think to create a blog online? But don't have money to purchase web hosting then infinityfree maybe your solutions. Infinity free hosting provides free hosting with unlimited disk space for all.
I am not telling you that infinity free hosting is very good hosting but if you are a new blogger then you can try it if you do not want to purchase any hosting. Check this guide on how to choose the best web hosting for your niche.
So I will tell you about infinityfree hosting details such what are the conditions, what they offer in the free hosting package and more.
Infinityfree Hosting Details

infinity free hosting provides by which is a paid web hosting provider company. Infinity free allows everyone to create a free account to host your blog for free forever.
They offer free hosting with unlimited disk space with no ads. Read how to create a WordPress blog for free step by step guide.
If you are a new blogger and want to create a blog with this free hosting then it will be fine. You can buy a domain from anywhere and host your domain on infinity free hosting.
I suggest you free hosting is not good to create a blog. You can try any hosting from these 8 best web hosting services.
Infinity Free Hosting Features

Free fast hosting
According to infinity web hosting, they provide the fastest web hosting. That means you can host a website which speed will be good. If your blog is new and has low traffic then this hosting site is good for you for a free hosting package. You can try it once because here you don't have to pay for anything.
Server Response Time 99.99%
They demand their hosting server response time is 99.99%. I did not get any Pingdom test results for this hosting service. So I can't tell you the exact server response time for this hosting service.
Unlimited Space And Bandwidth
Infinityfree web hosting provides unlimited space for your website not only that it also provides unlimited bandwidth with free hosting. So there is no tension in how much bandwidth you use every month. Get upto 90% discount on Hostinger web hosting for limited time offer only.
No Ads In your website
no ads mean if you use free hosting then infinityfree will not put any ads into your website. It is a very good feature. Most of the free hosting providers put ads into your website to promote there hosting.
Here is an infinity free web hosting guide you can check it for you.
Host Any Domain
You can host any domain, there is no necessity to buy a domain from the hosting providers. If you already have an old domain you can easily host it.
On the other hand, if don't have any domain or you don't want to purchase a domain then you simply use free subdomain provided by the infinity when you register your account. Read the best WordPress plugins for your blog.
No credit card require
They also guaranty you that when you register for a free hosting account in that time no credit card information is required to register for the free hosting account.
Free Hosting Features Of Infinityfree

- Unlimited disk space for free hosting.
- Unlimited bandwidth covers in the free hosting package.
- You can create 10 email accounts for future mailing.
- Create up to 400 SQL database in the free hosting services.
- PHP they use is the latest 7.3 version.
- My SQL software version is 5.6
- It's providing a free subdomain.
- Free SSL certificate for all hosting packages.
- They also provide free DNS service with the free hosting package.
- You also get free Cloudflare CDN into your hosting.
Infinityfree Nameservers
Nameservers is a very important things to host your site with any web hosting company. So you should know the name of nameservers of your web hosting providers.
If your want o host your site in Infinity hosting then you have to know the name of infinityfree nameservers. Here is the infinityfree nameservers details and
Put the name of these nameservers to your domain then your site will run poperly.
How To Create Account On Infinity Free Web Hosting
If you want to go for Infinityfree web hosting then you have to create an account with infinity free. account creations are very easy just go to the infinity free website and then click on the signup options which you can find on the front page.
After click on it you can find a sign up form where you have to enter your email address and password (Used for log in to infinity free website). After fill it correctly just click on create account.
A confirmation email will be sent to the email you have to confirm your email first. After confirming your email you can log in to the website.
How To Host Your Site On Infinity Free Web hosting
If you already create your account then login first to host your site. Infinity free hosting provides unlimited free hosting with unlimited bandwidth which is free for all.
If you have a domain then just change the name server of your domain to infinity free name servers. The name server of infinity free web hosting is and and the other options if you don't have a domain then you can get a free subdomain from the infinityfree website to create your website.
After your account approved then you can start to create your website. just go to the Cpanel options where you can find more than 400+ app to install on your website, choose any app to install. Another options if you want to upload your file through file manager then this options also available.
Disadvantages Of Using Infinityfree Hosting
#1 Infinity Free hosting provides unlimited bandwidth for the website but they support 50,000 every day for your site that means if a page of your site has 10 images, 4 CSS file,1 video file, and 4 scripts then the total hits count 10 images + 4 ccs + 1 video + 4 scripts + 1 = 20 hits ( the page also count by 1). So it is not unlimited as it claims. They will still allow more than 3500+ page views for every day.
#2 SSL Could Be A Big Problem, Infinityfree hosting provides SSL certificate but the certificate is self signed certificate so when any visitor comes to your site then see insecure connections for your site. This issue is a big problem for you.
#3 Sometimes server response time or load time is huge which is very wider than the other. When i check see that server normal response time is 396ms but sometimes the response time is 260ms to 1.15s
FAQ About Infinity Free Hosting
You may understand about infinity free hosting and these companies' free hosting plan. Many new bloggers want to create their website but they can't due to lack of money and they can't purchase web hosting so these people can easily create their website for free.
You can also create totally free with infinity free hosting and free domain. If you don't know how to get a free domain then check this article once to get a free domain.
Here i include some important questions which most of the new blogger wants to know so these below questions may help them.
What is Infinityfree Hosting?
Infinity free is a sponsored web host provider for free with unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, free Cloudflare CDN integrations, free SSL certificate, free subdomain, and more features.
Is Infinity Hosting is totally free?
Yes, in the infinity you can get free hosting forever as long as you want to take your account in this company. There is no additional charge for it.
How Long Does It Take To Setup Your Account?
There is no waiting time to activate your account. After creating your account it will automatically activate within minutes.
Can I get a free domain or subdomain?
You can not get a free domain but you can get a free subdomain that you can use to create your free website.
Can I host my domain in infinity free hosting?
Yes, you can host your own domain in the infinity free hosting. It is no matter where you purchase your domain. Just you have to change the name server to the infinity free to host your domain free.
Is there any credit card required for active infinityfree hosting?
No, there is no credit card required to activate your account. You can simply activate your account by verifying your email after the registration process complete.
Is Infinityfree Legit?
Infinity Free hosting provides unlimited free web hosting with a self-signed SSL certificate. If you want to go with infinity free hosting then you get softaculous auto installer app which may help you to install more than 400+ applications with a single click. Also, you get Cpanel and POP3 email support for your website. So it is one of the best free web hosting providers.
IS Infinityfree is Safe?
Infinityfree is one of the best free web hosting providers which provide unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth for your site. You can get a free sub-domain when you create your account. If you go for the performance then there performance is good as compared to the other free hosting providers and the support level is also good. so you can give them a thumbs up.
How To Install WordPress On Infinity free Hosting
Infinity free hosting provides Cpanel to perform the inportant task for your site. After login just go to the cpanel sections then you can found softaculous just click on it. After that you can find WordPress app and click on the install button. Then just select your site where you want to install the wordpress and give username and passowrd for your WordPress site then click on install. That's it.
In this post, I write about Infinityfree hosting which is totally free for all. The new blogger who can't effort to buy a new hosting plan these people can easily create their website totally free. There is no additional cost to create websites. But I honestly told you that if you can buy a domain and a hosting plan then don't go for a free plan with any hosting because there are a lot of limitations though infinityfree hosting gives you all features.
Please write in the comment box which is your recommendations for infinityfree hosting plan for new blogger who can't buy hosting? If you not prefer infinity free hosting then which free hosting is the best for you?
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