Increasing your Facebook shares can be difficult. It’s hard to know exactly what makes something shareable, but there are some tried and true methods that you can use to make your stuff go viral. If you want more people to share your content on Facebook, consider these 10 tips for how to make something shareable on Facebook.
How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook
If you're like most people, you use Facebook to share things with your friends. But what makes something shareable on Facebook? And how can you make sure your content is seen by as many people as possible? In this blog post, we'll explore ways to make your content more likely to be shared on Facebook – and ways to increase the reach of your posts. Let's get started on How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook!
1) Write a great headline
When people see a post in their newsfeed, it only takes a split second for them to decide whether or not they want to click. The same goes for when your followers visit your page: if you don't have a compelling headline, they're unlikely to click and check out your content. It's vital that every post you publish has an engaging title that shows up well in someone's newsfeed—one that also accurately reflects what people will find inside.
So, let's get deep into it on How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook? When writing headlines, keep these tips in mind – What’s In It For Me?: Give readers a reason to care about your story right off the bat by explaining how they’ll benefit from reading it. Avoid using vague words like interesting or amazing. These sorts of statements are too broad; instead, use action verbs like learn or see. By addressing readers' interests head-on, you'll immediately put them in a frame of mind where they want to read more. And by including specific details (what, exactly, is so amazing?) you'll ensure that what follows lives up to its promise.
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2) Create interesting content
If you’re hoping that people will share your content, then make sure you’re giving them something worth sharing. When we receive a link from someone in our social media feeds, if we don’t like it, we often ignore it. Also, if a post has little substance or seems like just another ad, we usually skip over it. Instead of asking for shares, aim for creating interesting and engaging content first.
Create great blogs with valuable information that connects with your target audience, inspiring photos with an artistic message, and craft videos with powerful visuals—this is what customers are more likely to want to share. Think about ways you can make your posts more visually appealing so they pop up when others see them on their newsfeeds.
Another way is to use high-quality images within your posts; these photos can capture attention better than words alone. Don't be shy about including details, either—the most-shared posts tend to include at least two paragraphs of text within their messages rather than one sentence or image only. Now move on to the next step on How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook.
3) Include bright, clear photos
We’re often drawn to what we can see, and in social media that typically means pictures. When crafting a shareable image, include bright, clear photos without distracting or unclear text. One great way of doing that is by placing your call-to-action within an image rather than a plain text overlay (which is harder for people to read).
If you use a tool like Canva for designing images for social media, remember to make them at least 1072 pixels wide so they look good on Facebook. For more design tips check out our Instagram Design Guidelines post. In addition to including text overlays with high-quality, relevant imagery for all of your posts, take note of when it works best to place copy above or below photos versus alongside them.
Sometimes not having a photo at all gets attention from followers because it’s intriguing—but again: Use it sparingly! Testing variations over time will help you learn which visuals work best when. You should also consider creating unique visuals specifically made for social channels like Twitter and Snapchat (as well as Google+ before its untimely demise)—these channels give users even less room than others to fit in tons of content. Let's move on to the next tips on How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook.
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4) Don’t overdo it with links
Nobody wants to read an overly long, scrolling list of links. Keep your posts as short and as sweet as possible. The optimal length for a Facebook post is between 80 and 120 characters—any longer than that, and Facebook may cut off your text or split it up into multiple posts.
You’ll never get close to those limits with a single link unless you have an overabundance of time on your hands. So if you want to share more than one link in a post, do so within a quote (like so: The best things in life are free! Here’s 10…). That way, they look like separate lines rather than part of one continuous block of text.
5) Use relevant hashtags
How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook through #tag? Connect with your potential audience by using relevant hashtags. If you want your post to reach a broader (and older) audience, try including hashtags like #ad or #sponsored in your post—even if you’re not actually paying for an ad.
Include an eye-catching photo: According to Facebook, photos receive 53% more likes than links and status updates combined. In addition, people are 64% more likely to comment on photos than they are links or status updates.
6) Post at peak times
Chances are you’ll find people sharing and liking your content in groups related to your niche. So join a few groups that are relevant and engaging in your industry or topic. When you post something new, share it across these groups. Other people will see that there is engagement around your post and they’ll be more likely to share it themselves.
Additionally, search for active group pages that have high interaction rates and engage with them (liking their posts, commenting, etc.). By interacting with other members of these groups regularly you will become part of their social circles, which might lead them to engage with your own content!
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7) Offer value (don’t be self-promotional!)
Do you know How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook by offering them valuable something which they love? Do many people fall into a trap of thinking that if they want people to share their content, they need to make it about them? This couldn’t be further from the truth—if you want something shared, give away value first.
Give tips, tell stories and show your audience how you relate to what you’re writing about. Making something personal can help people connect with it (so long as it feels authentic) but focus on how your content will impact them and their lives rather than how it will benefit yourself or your business (self-promotion is an easy way to kill social buzz).
8) Join groups related to your niche
One of the best ways to make your content shareable is to find groups related to your niche and share posts there. Even if you don’t have a large following, it’s still good practice because groups are typically people-first environments.
So not only will you gain new followers by sharing in these groups, but you might also be able to establish some relationships with those who already follow that group. They may even reach out after reading your post and ask if they can repost it elsewhere!
9) Be clear about your goal
By making your objective clear, you set yourself up for success. Sharing a content marketing piece is different than sharing an engagement ring, says Joe Pulizzi, Founder of Content Marketing Institute. When it comes to content, I know exactly what I want people to do when they share it: read it. When it comes to engagement rings, there's a wide range of possible actions and consequences.
Also, ask yourself whether you're trying to be merely provocative or also solve a problem and offer real value—that way your call-to-action will reflect that purpose as well. Now go to the next tips on How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook.
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10) Follow up with the people who engage with you
It is the last but not least tips on How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook. When you share something, you have an audience that's ready and willing to pay attention to your message. The most common mistake people make after they share something is… not doing anything else with it. If someone shares one of your stories, leave a comment. If someone tweets your story, retweet it or reply with a thank-you note.
When someone pins something of yours on Pinterest, write a thank-you note about how excited you are for them to try your recipe or plan a fun date night in honor of their anniversary gift suggestion. With each interaction like this, you'll deepen your relationship with that person—and better position yourself as an expert in your field who deserves attention from others.
So, How to Make Something Shareable on Facebook, and what makes something shareable on Facebook? The answer is actually pretty simple. To make something shareable on the social media platform, you need to create content that is both interesting and relevant to your audience. Additionally, using an effective social automation tool can help increase the chances that your content will be seen by more people and shared across different channels. Are you ready to start creating more shareable content? Check out the social automation tool-free trial today!
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