WordPress developer — sound very strange, you may know about WordPress or maybe create a website with WordPress but you have not thought to become a WordPress Developer. There are many advantages to become a developer but it is not so easy to become a developer. It needs a lot of effort and dedication to become a developer.

You may think that i create some WordPress site and design the total site by myself and also make some changes through codding. That's very good but the work of WordPress developer is totally different it not so easy to design a WordPress site and make some changes through codding.
What Is The Work Of WordPress Developer
If you already create a website on WordPress then you may know using WordPress anyone can create a beautiful website. There is no need to know about codding knowledge of HTML, CSS, JAVA, PHP and more language.
Just change the name server where you want to host your site then install WordPress through hosting or you can do it manually. Install or upload WordPress themes, install some essential WordPress Plugins, that's it your site totally ready for launch.
- As a developer, you can do a lot of task for example
- you can create a beautiful theme according to the demand of the market,
- create a useful plugin which helps the user and do a lot of work with simple effort,
- design widgets for everyone, redesign some themes according to your clients demand,
- design a beautiful site with fresh themes for your clients,
- develop WordPress core functions and more and more.
The Advantages As A WordPress Developer
If you think that you want to become a WordPress Developer then there are huge advantages as a developer. Day by day the demand for WordPress is growing. So if you become a top developer then you get huge opportunities.

There are lot's of advantages to become WordPress Developer here I Write some of advantages you should know
OWN BOSS: though it is very tough to become a top developer whatever if you become a developer then you are your own boss. There is no need to go to the people for works. Clients come to you to solve their problems.
MAKE HUGE MONEY: As I tell you before that WordPress has high demand and demand are growing rapidly so clients want to pay more for best developers who are best in the fields.
GET THE TOP PROJECTS: If you are the best WP developer then you have the freedom to say NO for any project or Yes for any projects. So you have the freedom to choose the project and demand service charge.
DESIGN NEW THEMES: As a WP developer you can design new WordPress themes according to clients' demand and charge a good amount from your clients. Or you can create new themes and sell them to the markets.
CREATE NEW PLUGINS: WordPress Plugins are also huge demand you can create new plugins and sell them to the market or redevelop any WordPress Plugins according to clients demand.
CREATE WIDGETS: In online Widgets are high dependable. You can design or edit any widgets and sell them online at high price.
Ok. Here I just include some best advantages to become a WordPress Developer but there are lots of advantages also available. Now time to discuss how you can become a WP Developer and the essential step
Steps To Become A WordPress Developer
In WordPress there are huge area to work and gain your knowledge or skill yourself. First you have to find out your interest area that means in which sections you want to work. For example you just develop WordPress core functions or design or create new themes or may be create new plugins according to markets demands.

1. Understand The Basic Languages
To become a WordPress Developer you must know some Web Languages very Well. For example, HTML, JAVA, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, etc because you are going to deep in WordPress so language is a must.
A WP Developer can change WordPress Themes looks, A WordPress Plugins Works, change WP Admin Panel, or create new user profile and more things so you have to strong in codding. If you don't know codding very well then you should leran codding first.
The full form of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is older versions at that time the latest versions of HTML are HTML5. The languages HTML is used to get smooth user experience. By using HTML webpages fit properly with any web browsers. If you write invalid HTML code then the browser will show your page poorly.
I previously told that HTML5 is the latest version there are some best advantages to use HTML5. You can easily include video and audio support, JavaScript compatibility, and tons of new elements, like footer, header, track, summary, on any page which is a design by HTML5.
The HTML syntax start with DOCTYPE declarations and with opening <HTML>. In the opening <HTML> there may be several parts such as <HEAD>……… </HEAD> and also content <BODY> …………. </BODY> and at the end the closing </HTML> tag. Here is a HTML example given bellow
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<body><h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p></body>
If you want to learn HTML then W3Schools is one of the best places where you can learn any web languages. View W3 Schools HTML guide.
The Full form of CSS is Cascading Style Sheets now CSS is old versions the latest versions is CSS3. You may be understand what is the work of CSS. Exactly to give style. CSS determine how HTML language you want to show on any page. By using this language you can change any web pages style within few minutes.
CSS language has very good features which is called media Queries which mainly determine page size that means page size in Laptop/Mobile/Tab. By using these features anyone can create a responsive website or page so that the site easily fits in any device.
body {
background-color: lightblue;
}h1 {
color: white;
text-align: center;
}p {
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 20px;
Here above I just try to give an example of CSS language where defines that body background color is lightblue, H1 color is white, the H1 text comes in the middle in the site and so on. If you want to be WordPress Developer then you can use W3schools CSS tutorial and practice.
PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor language that very powerful scripting language that is used in web development. PHP mainly works in the background of your server and gives the results in HTML languages.
The WordPress core functions are mainly design with PHP with MYSQL. PHP is one of the best flexible languages which easily fit with any server and run most of the operating systems. There are tons of useful features in PHP which you can use to design your website. For example Variables, Array, Functions, Conditions and more.
If you want to become a WordPress developer then you should learn the PHP language very well and also need to learn all the important functions of PHP. You can use W3 School to learn PHP languages.
MySQL is a web language which is basically used to create database. By using MySQL database all information of a WordPress site stored in the database. The all information of a WordPress site which is stored in a MYSQL database are dynamically retrieve through PHP languages.
WordPress basically provides some PHP functions by which WordPress Website database run smoothly and retrieve information safely. For knowing more about MySQL language details check Talking to the Database: The WordPress Database Class.
Java Script
Java Script is another very popular Web language which is used for website development. By using Java Script your can control your website for example by using Java Script you turns your static website to dynamic website.
You can easily type Java Script into HTML language it will automatically fits into it. Mainly Java Script works into web browser. If you want to use Java Script then you have use node.JS which is also a very popular languages. Node.Js language is widely used in different field such as data base management, robotics, mobile applications development and more.
As a WordPress Developer or Website developer you must know Java Script very well. If you want to learn more about Java Script then view WordPress Codex Page.
JQuery is another very popular Web language which is also use to design and simplify your Java Script functions. Basically JQuery is library of Java Script by which web developer can easily manage a huge Java Script functions into a single place. JQuery saves a lot of time when you are working with massive no of Java Script functions.
This functional language is used to create sliding effect or creating animations or hidding a HTML part from your site page. If you want to learn JQuery very well then you can view the official page of JQuery. As a WordPress Developer you should also learn JQuery to save your time.
Ajax is another very popular language which is widely used in WordPress. By using AJAX you can easily find data without refreshing a page or can change data without reloading a web page. AJAX is used widely in Woo commerce site. For example when you search some thing in Woo commerce site then you may notice that related product automatically comes in the search box. This features is possible through AJAX search.
A WordPress Developer can either use Java Script or JQuery to manage or run Ajax. But according to my view JQuery is more simple to run AJAx. You can learn AJAX details from WordPress here.
2. Learn As Much As You Can About WordPress
As you decide to become a WordPress Developer so you should learn as much as you can about the platforms WordPress. Because WordPress has a very vast area and you can master any of this topic.

If you want to be a WordPress Developer then don't worry there are huge resources where you can learn and practice and increase your knowledge about WordPress. First, you should create a WordPress Sandbox Account. Actually sandbox helps you to play with WordPress code and easily try or changes of anything for example core functions, themes functions, themes looks, plugins functions, add new functions and more.
Though there are huge free sources available for example YouTube videos, many free courses from Skillshare, Coursera and WP Apprentice, etc I want to tell you to invest a few if you want to return the big amount that means apply for some paid WordPress Course for example WP101. The WordPress learning center also a very good resource to learn for free you can try.
Subscribes top WordPress related blog and Top YouTube channel so that when new article publish or any video post you can get them first and apply your knowledge.
3. Focus On Your WordPress Developer Area
I already told that WordPress has a vast area to learn you have to find which is best part for you and try to focus on the particular area first so that you can achieve your goal very quickly. If you want to focus all the area at the same time then you may con't do very well.
In WordPress, you can choose WordPress core functions if you have interested in the sections or you may choose WordPress theme part where you can design new themes or modify themes according to your client's demands or choose WordPress plugins part it is also a very good area to learn new things besides this create new WP Plugins for the user which high demands nowadays.

WordPress Core Functions
In WordPress's core functions there are lots of tasks to do as a WordPress Developer, for example, you have to identify new problems, Identify new bugs come in the WordPress functions programs, addressing her tickets and try to solve their problems and more options.
It will be a great option to becomes a WordPress Core developer because here you can learn a lot of new ideas, new codding, Style how to solve any WordPress inter problems every smartly and more. The core Contributions Book is a great option to learn more.
WordPress Themes
Themes is the another big parts where you gain your knowledge and become a WordPress Developer. If you focus to develop WordPress themes then there also huge options. For example you can design new themes and attract new clients. There are also huge resources where you can learn more about themes.
Themes development is very crucial work and has to know HTML and CSS very well. If you want to know more then you can read theme development books for more.
WordPress Plugins
Plugins is very important in WordPress, it helps you to give a beautiful look of a website. So if you focus on WordPress plugins development then it will be very effective.
As a WordPress Developer, you can easily develop WP Plugins for your clients or you can create new WordPress Plugins according to market demand and sell them to codecanyon. You can gain your themes knowledge form WordPress themes.
4. Work With Local Development Environment
If you want to focus your WordPress Developer carrier on themes and plugins then the local environment is the best to develop your skill time by time. You have to take WordPress related tasks from your clients and try to solve their problems according to their needs. If you doing this, there are two advantages one earns some extra money besides this develop your skill.
There are some software which may help you to develop your skills by working in the local environment. One is XAMPP which is for Windows users only and another is MAPP which is MAC users. Both software is totally free you have to download the software and need to install it on your computer. This software will help you to create local servers where you can install WordPress software easily and continue your development work.
5. Prepare Yourself As A WordPress Developer
WordPress Developer means not only design some themes or create a new plugins, as a developer you have solve minor problems to major problems which is related to core functions or may be system crash for some bugs. So as a developer you should prepare yourself to solve all types of problems related to WordPress.
When you going to Fix Bugs you have to very careful about your website security through WordPress core security is very secure. Till now should be careful when you going to fix bugs or solve any problems. There are plenty of WordPress Security plugins which may help you to give your site more secure.
One more options you should know as a WordPress Developer that when you going to fix some bugs or solve some major problem of any website you should take a backup of the full site which may help you from loss of data or loss of time. Website like Github may help you to safely complete your work.
6. Join With The WordPress Community
When you are learning WordPress and want to be a WordPress Developer then it will be a good decision to join with your same community who are work in the same field.
In WordPress, you find the WordPress community where all WordPress Developer works on different projects and share their knowledge in the community. In the community, tab developer shares their problems or solve other problems by which they can increase their brand. WordPress Forum also helps you to increase your knowledge and solving the problem with each other.
7. Share Your Works Through WordPress
After creating your themes or WordPress plugins you can share your work through WordPress. If you create Themes and upload it to WordPress Themes Uploader or create WordPress Plugins and add them to WordPress Plugins sections. When you upload you have to remember that all themes and plugins must be released under General Public Licence which grant user rights when they download and use them in their website.
For details rules of publishing themes and plugins you may reads WordPress Developer Hand Book Guide here.
8. Finding Right Clients For You
As WordPress is a giant platforms of content management systems where all types of business owner use this platforms to manage and create their site and try to sell them through website. Here as a WordPress Developer is very high demand who are very efficient to solve any types of WordPress problems.
Many business owners find the right developer to solve their a problem or create and maintain a custom site for their business. Now there are many freelancing sites that helps you to find these clients. Here is a details list of the different methods by which you can earn money as a developer.
Bonus Tips
Here I just include some extra resource where you can learn and increase your WordPress knowledge very fast. Let's find the below resources
WordPress Codex And Books And Blogs
WordPress Codex is the WordPress community-edited repository where you can learn all about WordPress details. Not only that learn about WordPress Semantics and how to design WordPress Themes and How To Develop WordPress Plugins.
There are more than a dozen WordPress books are available which some are free and some are not which may help you to be a WordPress Developer.
Some WordPress blogs and magazines are also very helpful for you which also helps you gain extra knowledge in your development area. You should subscribe to these blogs so that when new posts publish you get the post and acquire some extra knowledge.
Now it's time to recap the whole task to become a WordPress Developer First you have to find out your interest area where you want to develop your skill that may WP core functions, WP Themes, WP Plugins or more.
Now comes to the second part you have to learn all the basic Web languages very accurately which is related to WordPress and practice and improve your skill day by day.
Learn all details about as much as you can and try to focus on your development are so that you will more accurate on that field.
The fourth point is to try to Work with the local environment and join with the WordPress community and share your work with WordPress and last but not least is keep practice.
5 thoughts on “8 Tips To Become A WordPress Developer And Advantages”
Yup, that’s why I really want to become a wordpress developer. It would be a lot if you share some wordpress guides also, btw the pretty good job for doing such post.
Thanks, Bro for your comment.
Thank you sir for your pretty good content also keep shared with us.
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Nice post, Thanks for the beautiful article.