Showing your incomplete site may give your site a bad impression so that you should your site in WordPress Maintenance Mode when you update your site or changes your site structure.
If your site in WordPress then you can simply put the site in Maintenance Mode very easily using some simple WordPress plugins. You may know that most of the WordPress plugins are free to use also you can get paid versions for plugins but free plugins are not bad.
Put Your Site In WordPress Maintenance Mode
WordPress has some plugins which can help you to set up maintenance mode with a single clock. So, first, you have to install the plugins first. If you don't know how to install WordPress plugins then check the article once.

In this post i will discuss about 5 best WordPress Plugins which will help you to put your site in WordPress Maintenance Mode. You may know that most of the WordPress plugins have a free versions. In these 5 popular plugins also have free versions which you can use totally free for lifetime.
5 Popular WordPress Maintenance Mode Setup Plugins
First, going to discuss these plugins you should know what is the work of these plugins? When you maintain or add some features or may improve your site design in that time you should set up your site maintenance mode or use coming soon page so that your site did not get any bad impression when a user visits your site or for first-time visitors.
By using these plugins you can also set some specific page in maintenance mode and other pages remain the same. The other most important things are that you can also collect email during maintenance mode running.
Active Maintenance Mode By Seedprod
The first most powerful WordPress plugins which help you to setup WordPress maintenance mode is Seedprod. This plugin is has two versions one is paid versions and another is free versions. Paid versions have some extra features than free versions.

The coming soon page or under construction plugins is very useful plugins by which you can set up maintenance mode. So let's start how to set up WordPress Maintenance Mode. The first step is you have to install the WordPress plugins. To install the plugins go to WordPress dashboard then go to plugins sections then click on add new plugins options. Type in the search box “coming soon “. you find the above plugins first, you have to install the plugins then active the plugins

After install the plugins open the plugins admin setting options from your WordPress dashboard. Where you can find admin setting and the looks like as below
How to Setup WordPress Maintenance Mode through SeedProd

Here first sections is content >> Go to Status options here you find three options. If you want to enable coming soon page then simply active coming soon options. Another options is maintenance mode you can also active this options also.

The next step is page setting here you find logo, headline and message options. After set coming soon or maintenance mode, you have to set up your page options when a visitor comes to your page. First, add your website logo, then write your headline. Here Headline indicates that when a visitor comes which message you want to give to your user. The next point is the message which message you want to give your user.

After complete your page setting click on save changes options. Then comes to the header and footer setting. In the favicon options set your site favicon then write your SEO title and then SEO meta description of your site or a particular page. The last options are analytics code it is optional but I suggest you add this because it is important because you can monetize your site during active of WordPress Maintenance Mode.

The next setting you have to do is design options where you can design your Website main page or selective page design. The first options is Background color if you don't want to set any color then you can upload any image from your computer.
The another two setting are subscribers options and advance options. If you use free versions then you can't use this options because this options is only for pro versions. In this sections you can collect your subscribers email during activation time of WordPress Maintenance Mode.
The last options is advance options in this sections you can set specific code in your header or footer or body sections. If you are new user then don't go for this sections now.
That's it i hope you understand how to setup WordPress Maintenance Mode by using SeedProd WordPress Plugins. Next the time to come to the next plugins.
WP Maintenance Mode
This is also the very best WordPress Maintenance Mode Plugin by which you can put your site in maintenance mode very easily. WP Maintenance Mode plugin has huge features to set your site very properly also this plugin is free to use.

Features Of WP Maintenance Mode Plugins
- This plugin is fully customizable, using this plugin you can change colors, text and the background options and also change text fronts.
- You can easily create a Subscription form and export it when you need the data or email address.
- Set Countdown Timer which means after how much time your site comes live.
- Easily create a Contact form and receive or collect emails from visitors.
- Set up Coming soon page according to your needs.
- Already get some landing page template to set up your landing page.
- If you create multisite then you can easily set up maintenance mode or coming soon page in WordPress multisite.
- Responsive design helps your site to view mobile versions also.
- Set up Social media icons according to your needs.
- This plugin Work with any WordPress theme which is very great there is no matter which themes you are using.
- SEO options also help your site to live in a search engine.
- Set up Exclude URLs from maintenance mode.
- Bot functionality to collect the emails in a friendly and efficient way.
- This WP maintenance mode plugins also have options with GDPR Ready.
Maintenance WP Plugins
The next plugins comes in according to popularity is Maintenance plugins. This plugins also good to setup your site WordPress Maintenance Mode options.

Maintenance Plugins also have good features that help the webmaster to put their site in maintenance mode. One of the good features of the plugin is you can easily add a calendar or any event through this plugin. Now take a look at the features of the plugin.
Features Of Maintenance Plugin
- retina ready HTML/CSS layout help webmaster to set up their maintenance page properly.
- You can set a Full-screen background to show your website or particular pages in activations of maintenance mode.
- Blur background effect also helps your site looks.
- The webmaster can Upload your own logo on the website.
- You can easily configure color or fonts, icon or background of your web pages.
- Customize the title, headline, text help you to display the message to your visitors.
- Users can easily log in on the frontend of your website.
- Admin bar status also shows you to understand the states of Maintenance mode page options.
- easily set up a 503 error on/off.
- Add or remove Google analytics support to your coming soon pages.
- You easily set Exclude selected pages from the Maintenance mode of your site.
- Support for all popular caching plugins for this plugin.
Minimal Coming Soon Page
The next popular plugin which help you to set WordPress Maintenance Mode is Minimal coming soon page plugins. This WordPress plugins is not so popular as compare to the before plugins, but this plugin also helpful to set coming soon page or put your site in maintenance mode.

This Minimal Coming Soon and maintenance mode plugin have a lot of features where you can set your site to maintenance mode or add a specific page to maintenance mode or coming soon options. In the below i

Features Of Minimal Coming Soon Page
- This plugin works with any themes and plugins. So that it does not matter which themes or plugin you use.
- Coming soon page plugins is Completely customizable plugin, you can change look and feel including background color, cover image, fonts, logo according to your website needs.
- Each and every element of this plugins is editable and changeable, you can completely give a new look to your site using the plugin.
- SEO options is available in pro versions. If you are using pro versions of the plugins you can do SEO for your site in WordPress Maintenance mode.
- You can easily customize HTML and CSS of the page.
- Webmaster can easily Collect Emails with MailChimp on your coming soon page – full GDPR compliant API support built-in for free.
- You can track visitors with support for Google Analytics and see the customer behavior.
CMP Coming Soon Page
CMP is another WordPress Maintenance Mode builder by which webmasters can easily set up they're coming soon page and build or continue their back-end work. This no so popular plugins according to customer installations.

Features Of CMP Plugins
- These plugins have three included themes that you can use to set up you're coming soon page or maintenance mode options.
- If you don't want to use pre-made themes then you can use any themes. This plugin can fit with any themes.
- This plugin has video features you can use video in your coming soon page.
- You can use millions of free stock photos to design your page.
- Set custom logo and background to your coming soon page.
- Set a specific page for your website to set the coming soon page.
- The webmaster can set up countdown timers to message their user when the site will be live or any other website.
- Collect your visitor email address when someone visits a web page or WordPress maintenance mode any page or post.
In this post, I just include 5 best WordPress plugins by which you can set up your site WordPress Maintenance Mode. I also guide how to set up the maintenance mode by using SeedProd Plugins. I arrange these plugins according to the WordPress installations number and rating. You can use any one of this plugin and set up your WordPress Maintenance mode for your website.
If you face any problem then please write in the comment box below. Please let me know which plugin is best for you and which plugin you use to put your site in maintenance mode? Please write in the comment box below.