Data entry jobs are very good options to make some extra money online. If you plan to make money online then online data entry jobs can be a very good option for you.
But finding good data entry jobs is very difficult because the internet is full of fraud. If you search on the internet or newspaper then you may see thousands of advertisements for online data entry jobs but most of them are not trusted. Here is a list of 45+ proven ways to make money online from home.

Data entry work is a very easy work which can be done by a student, a housewife, a retired person, or even a 60 years old man.
27 Best Online Data Entry Jobs
To start the data entry work you just need a PC or a laptop and internet connections and the last things is you have to know the english well. If you know the basic typying and basic english reading can make you an expert on data entry jobs.
In this post I just try give details about some best online data entry jobs details and where you can find these jobs and how to find these jobs. So read the full post carefully to get online data entry jobs.
#1 Data Entry Jobs In MS-Word
MS-Word data entry jobs are related to the plain type of data entry jobs. In the plain type of data entry jobs you have to good reading and writing skills and typing speed in english.
In this type of jobs you have to given a PDF file then you have copy the text and enter from the PDF file to MS-Word. They normally give you Rs 25 To RS 60 for a single page entry.
Here is 15 best Online Home Base Jobs Details Where you can start your carrier.
#2 Ms-Excel Data Entry Jobs
You may think that MS-Excel data typing work means you need to know excel formula but you are wrong because basic Excel data entry work means you have to fill the excel tab from another tab with data. You need to know any Excel formula or any technical knowledge.
The job is not technical work and you may earn good amount of money from excel work if you have good in typing and you need accuracy in that work.
Most of the excel work pay hour basic, some company pay Rs 150 to Rs 250 to work for an hour. The work may be on the total contract.
#3 Merge And Separate Excel Work
Some type of excel work in the internet where you have to seperate or merge excel sheet. For example if a excel data sheet have 10 pages then you have to merge the sheet in a single excel page or it may be totally opposite, a excel sheet have huge data in a single page then you have to separate in some pages.
This type of work you may find on a freelancing website. These freelancing websites provide you all type of online data entry jobs which you can do from home and no investment is required to get these work.
#4 Error Corrections Work
Data clearing jobs or error corrections jobs are very efficient jobs because you have to expert in this field and these work pay higher than the other data entry jobs.
In this type of work you have to find error from word file or may be excel file. The error may be any repeted word or any misspelling word. After finding error you have to correct this data sheet.
This work pay you normally Rs 350 to Rs 500 for every hour or may be higher than that.
You can also make money from a blog. If you don't know how to create a blog online for free then check this post once.
#5 Online Typing Jobs
This online typing work may be different or you have to work symultaniously, for example you may have to correct error or type some word from a field or may be create a chart from a given data.
This work may depend on the efficiency of your work that means if you complete more work without any error then you can earn more. These types of online data entry jobs You have to fill up all the datasheets correctly and error lessly then you can earn more.
#6 Online Word Processor Jobs
Word Processor jobs is a little tuff than other data entry jobs and in this jobs you need some technical and sound knowledge of that field to successfully complete the work.
The Word Processor is a little different that other it is not just simple online data entry jobs. I will give you an example of that type of work so that you may understand it batter.
In WordProcessor jobs you may have to create data table, create some chart, or may be creating a mailing list, create online report for some company and more.
To complete WordPressor jobs you need some technical and english grammatical knowledge. As the work is little different than other data entry work so you get more payment when you successfully complete work than other online data entry jobs.
#7 Online Survey Jobs
Online Survey jobs is very simple you need to fillup forms which may content some simple questions. Some company need data from the market so they want customer opinions from you and me.
Most of the survey length is 5 min to 10 min the time of the online survey questions. Some survey may take more than 30 min which pay more than other online survey.
It is very simple that if you fill the survey forms very carefully and accurately then you get more survey from the company and if you fill the forms carelessly then you may be disqualified from the panel.
#8 Online Form filling Works
Online form filling is quite simmilar to online typing jobs in this jobs you have to fill the each box with the appopreate value which will you given to you.
In these jobs, you should be very careful when you fill the data sheet if you fill with wrong data then the company may not pay you. So if you want to work then you need to be very careful and serious on your work.
#9 copy And Paste Jobs
Copy and paste is another online data entry jobs is very simple. You may understand the type of work from the heading. Yes, you have to copy the word or paragraph and paste it to another place.
This copy and paste work may be in Ms-Word format or may be in excel format. You no need to type much more but you have to read a lot to complete the work correctly and accurately.
#10 Online Captcha Entry Jobs
Captcha Entry jobs is very simple because you have to fill some data from image. It is one of the easy online data entry jobs where they given some image with words and you have to fill the box with the particular image.
In captcha entry works you get pay less than other online data entry jobs and you can fill 500 to 1000 captcha in a single day.
Some online companies are there who pay $1 to $5 to fill 1000 captcha. If you are expert in typing or data entry then you can earn good money from it.
#11 Re-Formating And Corrections Jobs
Formating jobs is quite easy than others but you have to know the rules of correct formations. From where you get the formating jobs they told you all the rules of correct formations.
In the formating jobs typing skill is very less but you have to read all the document carefully and format the full document by the given rules.
#12 Online Captioning Jobs
Captioning jobs is also a very good online data entry jobs where you have to be technical and should have some skill to done the work.
Mainly this captioning work you can find in any media industry or media agency.
Here you have to write the cachy headline for news media or for an image. Now this work is very rare to get but if you contact to any news media then you may get the jobs.
#13 Image To Text Conversions
Image to text formating is easy work but the english word is very hard or any related to medical which you may not heard before.
In this jobs the company give you a image file or may be screenshot from which you have to copy the paragraph or word into a word file.
#14 Formating And Editing Jobs
Formating and editing jobs is quite tuff than other jobs because in this jobs you need some knowledge of english grammer to reformat the work.
To complete the work correctly and accurately you should have sound english knowledge and not only that you have to english grammer knowledge to done the work.
As this jobs is editing jobs so you have to find out the any spelling error or any formating error found if the found then you have to corrcect it and format it correctly.
#15 Audio To Text Conversions
Audio to text conversions is another online data entry jobs in which you have to listen a audio file and convert the audio file into word file by typing into a word file.
But, to complete audio file to text conversions you should have sound knowledge of English and as well as grammar. I am telling you this because you have to listen to every single word very care fully and have to type it.
#16 Online Data Capture Jobs
Another good online data entry jobs is Online data capture jobs. In these type of jobs you have to capture various data from online from differents magazine or from different news site.
This type of data mainly used to create e-book or any other type of documents so you should have knowledge of english to complete work successfully.
#17 Email Processing Jobs
Email processing jobs is one kind of online data entry jobs where you given email list and all email may be contain some links. You have to click all of the link and go to the site then may be different type of work there for example may be you have sign up or may be you have to stay 30 to 40 sec there and others.
To work in email processing jobs you need to create a seperate email address and all email processing work should be done from there.
#18 Creating Report Online
Online report creations is one kind online data entry jobs where you have to create different type of report online that may be market research data, email collections data or may be lead generation data or others.
These online report may be create through online presentations, excel spread sheet, charts, graphs or power point presentations.
This type of work pays good amount of money on an average you can earn $15 to $25 in a single hour.
#19 Article Writing Works
Article writing is work is very popular nowadays. If you are good writer or love to write on specific topic or any topic then this work is only for you.
Now Article writing works is huge demand but you can not find good writer. Everyone copy content from others content or may be spinning content from others website.
whatever Article writing is one of the best online data entry jobs where you can make good amount of money again if you are a good writer. You can normally earn $30 To $50 fr just writing 1000 words.
#20 Data Entry Operator ( Pay Roll)
It is one the data entry operator which main work on Pay Roll. That means you have to maintain employee data base. You have to enter name , employee deginations, payment type, payment procedure, payment amount and more details.
This type of online data entry jobs is fixed and you can get paid a fixed amount of money from it. You can normally get Rs 7000 to Rs 15000 for just doing these simple works.
#21 Catelog Data Entry Works
Catelog data entry works is also a high paying online data entry jobs where you have to put some simple data about some product details.
The work may be you have to put some product details, product name, product price, product descriptions and lot of things related to the product.
#23 Copy Writing Works
Copy Writing works is another kind of online data entry jobs but here you have to be creative because you have to create ads data and ads format, ads content.
If you are creative then you can make good amount from this jobs. Creative is the first criateria to this jobs because if your ads are not cachy then your ads may not generate leads.
You can normally charge $50 to $100 for just simple a ads content idea and word suggestions. If you are in advance level then you can make more money from it.
#24 Email Writing Jobs
Email writing jobs is another best high paying online data entry jobs where you can make money $100 To $500 for just writing a simple sales email for a company but you have to upgrade yourself to this level so that you can charge this amount.
In the email writing jobs you have to write sales email, lead generation email, sales funnel email, trapping email and more. If you have good convincing power then you can do this jobs very well.
#25 Medical Coding Jobs
Medical coding writing is another good high paying online data entry jobs because you should advance your skill to done the jobs accurately. If you type any wrong information in the medical form then it will be dengerious for the patient.
In medical coding jobs you have to write the symstoms of the illness, the procedure of treatment, and medicines details and more. All the required informations will be given to you by the work providers.
#26 Amazon Machanical Turk
Amazon Mechanical Turk is one kind of online data entry works which was given from the USA to work online.M-Turk provides differents online data entry works for own and work and others third part works.
The m-turk may be give you online survey jobs, transcriptions jobs, different type of micro jobs and more.
#27 Website Data Writing
The last but not least online data entry jobs is website data writing jobs which is also a very high paying jobs now. If you are website designer or codder then you can do this jobs.
This type of work is basically input website pages data or any post update data, some times you need technical and coding knowledge to complete the work besides this you need a good writing skill to done the work.
The Final Word
There are many type of online data entry jobs are availabel in the internet but you have to specalized in a single work so that you can done the mastary on it and you gain sound knowledge on that topic then you can complete all the works carefuuly and accurately.
Some data entry jobs you can find the internet which is offline if you are expert on that offline data entry works then ypu can also do this work to make money. So start your work now and always work hard to get success.