The audio player can help you to embed any audio file to any page or post. If your site is on WordPress then the WordPress Audio Player plugin may help you to build powerful audio enable page within a minute.
As you know that WordPress is full of plugins, and themes and most of the themes and plugins are free to use and there is no additional charge to use it year after year. One more advantage is you can easily build a beautiful website with the help of WordPress. If you are new and don't how to build a WordPress site then check once.
Now let's come to the point if you want to add any audio file to any post or page then you have to install a simple WordPress audio player plugin that will help you to enable your audio file to listenable and to do that you don't need to know any code. Just you have to install WordPress Audio player plugins manually. Here is a guide on how to install a WordPress plugins manually.
Best WordPress Audio Player Plugin
Here in the post, i try to include all the best WordPress audio player plugin but you should install only one plugin at a time otherwise your site may crash. So install one plugin that you prefer.
1. Compact WP Audio Player
Compact WP Audio player is one of the good WordPress audio players which have more than 40,000+ active installations on the site and has a 4+ rating. These plugins support HTML5 and flash Hybrid and allow you to add an audio file to your website or any post or any page easily by simply adding a simple code where you want to add.

Best Features Of Compact WP Audio Player
- This WordPress audio player is a compact form so it does not take a lot of real estate on your webpage so your site loads fast.
- WP Compact is HTML5 compatible so the audio files embedded with this plugin will play on iOS devices or any other HTML5-supported device.
- This WordPress Audio player plugin works on all major browsers – IE7, IE8, IE9, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. So don't worry to customize according to the device.
- The audio player is responsive that's why easily fits any device and pages or website.
- The plugin also supports podcasting so if you do podcasting then this audio player can be used to embed the audio files on your WordPress posts or pages.
- This plugin also helps you to the audio file online. If you are selling audio files from your site then you can use this plugin to offer a preview.
- to add the audio player to any post/page just have to use a shortcode.
- The WP compact also supports autoplay options so if you are on the options then when the page load then the plugin automatically play the audio file.
- The plugin also has the ability to specify both the mp3 and Ogg versions of your audio files. The plugin will play the appropriate one based on the device.
2. Html5 Audio Player
The HTML5 Audio player is a very simple audio player that can easily play .mp3, .wav, and .ogg audio files in WordPress. The HTML5 Audio player has more than 10,000+ active installs and more than 4.0+ ratings in the WordPress database. That means you can easily install and believe in the plugin.
Features Of WordPress Audio Player Plugin- Html5 Audio Player
- The HTML5 Audio Player can easily embed the audio player in the post, page, widget area, and theme templates, and works fine.
- This audio player is compact so it does not take a lot of real estate on your webpage and that's for your site to load faster than another site.
- HTML5 Audio player support plays inline with any page or any website.
- You can easily control all the buttons from your admin sections.
- Shortcode drove. So it's more powerful.
- The plugin is very easy to use which means you don't have to be an expert in coding or don't need extra plugins.
- HTML5-compatible plugins are easily comparable on iOS devices and you can easily add any audio file where you want.
- The plugin works on all major browsers – IE7, IE8, IE9, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, so don't need to customize it again.
- The audio player is responsive that's why easily fits with any device and player.
- If you do podcasting then this audio player can be used to embed the audio files on your WordPress posts or pages.
- You can easily sell audio files with the help of the plugin.
- You can on the autoplay option to play an audio/mp3 file as soon as the page loads and automatically.
- The plugin has the ability to specify both the mp3 and Ogg versions of your audio files. The plugin will play the appropriate one based on the device.
- The WordPress Audio Player Plugin is very lite weight and does not require a lot of space to run.
3. CP Media Player
CP Media Player is best for both audio and video file for your website. You can easily add any video file and audio file to your website easily where you want to add. The plugin has more than 5000+ active installations and a 4.0+ rating.

Features Of CP Media Player
- The CP Media Player allows you to publish an Audio player and Video player anywhere on your post, page, website, category, and many more.
- The plugin support different type of files such as audio and video files: MP4, OGG, WebM, WMV, MP3, WAV, WMA, FLV, and WebSRT subtitle files.
- CP Media Player allows associating a playlist to your CP Media Player – Audio Player and Video Player.
- This plugin offers you several skins to adjust the design of the CP Media Player – Audio Player and Video Player to your web design. That's why you don't have to install more than one player for video and audio.
- WordPress Audio Player Plugin supports all the popular browsers on the web: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, as well as mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, and Android and it is a very responsible plugin.
4. MP3 Music Player by Sonaar
The next WordPress Audio Player plugin is MP3 Music Player by Sonaar this plugin has more than 10,000+ active WordPress installations and more than 90 people rate this plugin for 5.0+ so you can easily use this plugin on your website for enabling audio player features into your site.

This plugin has a great feature which is you can use the plugin for any type of site builder option for example if you are using Elementor page builder then you can easily add the plugin from the block and if you are using Gutenberg block editor then you can also easily add through the block and if you use custom themes then just apply for custom code for adding an audio player.
Here is a Video guide by which you can understand better how to work with the plugins.
Features Of Mp3 Music Player By Sonaar
- You can easily create unlimited audio albums & playlists with the help of the WordPress Audio Player Plugin.
- You can upload unlimited MP3/M4A files to any web page or post.
- The plugin Support MP3, audio streaming, and radio streaming.
- You can upload audio tracks from any posts, custom posts, or pages to display.
- Easily embed audio players using shortcodes to your post or page.
- Easily embed audio players using our Elementor Widget, this is a new feature added to it.
- You can easily embed audio players using our Gutenberg Block.
- This plugin fully supports Elementor Page Builder which means you can easily use this plugin from just block options.
- The plugin support real-time Dynamic Soundwave FX (Waveform by wavesurfer.js) or Synthetic Soundwave for faster loading.
- You can choose unlimited colors for your MP3 widget for any page or post.
- You can add Buy Now or Download Now buttons (links to any URL) for each track & album to sell your audio files.
- The plugin supports WooCommerce options which means you can easily build an audio store with the help of the plugins.
- The plugin also supports Easy Digital Downloads.
- You can add Google fonts if you want plugin support for Google Fonts.
- You can add social icons for each of your tracks such as “Download”, “Buy tracks”, “SoundCloud”, etc.
- The plugin support call-to-action buttons for each of your albums such as “Listen on Spotify, SoundCloud, Bandcamp”, etc.”
- HTML5 Player so it’s fully responsive, mobile-friendly, and plays across all platforms.
5. mb.miniAudioPlayer
The plugin audio player is another WordPress audio player plugin that helps you to include audio files to your post or page or anywhere on your website. The plugin has more than 9000+ active installations and a 4.0+ rating from more than 40 users.

The WordPress Audio Player Plugin comes with Volume Control, Seeking Control, Title Bar, Rewind Button, play button, and mute button which means you can offer these buttons to your visitor when they come to your pages.
Here is a short introduction for MB. Mini Audio Player plugins by which you can understand better about it.
6. Audio Player with Playlist Ultimate
Audio Player With Playlist Ultimate is another good WordPress Audio Player Plugin that helps you to create a beautiful audio website with unlimited playlist options. The plugin is new and not very popular now and you can see 1000+ active installations. If you need an unlimited playlist then you can choose the plugin.

Features Of Audio Player With Ultimate Playlist
- The plugin supports Elegant, Clean, Modern & Fully Responsive Design.
- This WordPress Audio Player Plugin offers different themes and you can change the player theme color from the setting page.
- The plugin offers both Single-player and Multiple players, you can choose anyone for your website.
- You can choose multiple Players and it supports multiplayer on the same page.
- The plugin shows the song Title and Artist name when you play any songs.
- You can choose album Art and it supports album art.
- The plugin support key for Shuffle, Repeat, and volume control.
- You can easily integrate the plugin on any page or post where you want.
- Font Awesome Icon also supports and you can use the icon for yourself.
- The plugin work on the desktop, tablet, phone, or any other HTML5-supported device.
- The plugin is responsive and retina ready for your post.
7. PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry
PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry is the No. 1 Podcasting audio player plugin for WordPress, with simple & advanced modes, players, subscribe tools, and more! With the help of the plugin, you can publish and manage your podcast right from your WordPress website. This WordPress Audio Player Plugin supported by the top podcasting apps and directories, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more.
Features Of PowerPress Podcasting plugin
- The Plugin includes audio and video players with embed support from sites like YouTube that means you can build a beautiful website with the help of the plugin.
- Powerpress Podcasting Plugin support subcriptions options which help you to build a powerful subcription list for your website.
- The Plugins support import and migrations options that means you can import and migrate your previous podcast with only one click.
- You can show multi Podcast feeds to your website at a time.
8. AudioIgniter MP3 Music Player
Audiolgniter is another good WordPress Audio Player plugin by which you can create an audio file and can be easily embedded into your WordPress website. The plugin has more than 10,000+ active WordPress installations and a good rating. So you can easily install and embedded to your website.
Features Of Audiolgniter
- The Plugin supports audio and radio streaming, which means you can easily integrate it to any page.
- Create unlimited playlists with the help of the plugin.
- You can create unlimited tracks on your website.
- This plugin is fully compatible with Elementor. If your site is designed with Elementor then you can easily integrate it into your website.
- The plugin Audiolgniter support and fully compatible with Visual Composer.
- It also supports with Gutenberg Block Editor, you can also create your site with it.
- The plugin is fully responsive that's why it shows a responsive layout.
- You can easily embed through shortcode anywhere you want.
- This plugin setting is very flexible for playlist
- You can easily show/Hide tracklisting from a page or post.
- Easily show/Hide track numbers in the tracklist anywhere from your page.
- You can show numbers in reverse order for your track,
- Easily show/Hide track covers in the playlist anywhere on the site.
- You can show/Hide the active track’s cover from the post.
- The plugin support show/Hide artist name from the playlist.
- You can set a custom “Buy track” URL field.
- Create custom “Download” URL field for audio downloader.
9. WPaudio MP3 Player
WPaudio MP3 Player is another WordPress Audio Player Plugin that provides embedded code to add an audio file to your website. The plugin is more than 6000+ active installations, and the plugin is effortless and lite weight so that you can easily host to your site and add the audio files through it.

Features OF WPAudio MP3 Player
- The plugin is clean design with intuitive control so your site not take heavy load.
- The plugin is easy to install and easy to use and if you are new then it is the best options for you.
- This plugin is very lite weight and very simple so your site not load.
How do I integrate a plugin in WordPress?
You can install or add a WordPress plugins in 4 ways and the simple way is to act from the Wp plugins directory options.
1. log in to your WordPress website Admin Panel.
2. Go to plugin options and go to the add new options.
3. Search the plugin which you want to install or add to your website.
4. After getting the plugin just click on the install button options.
5. After the plugin successfully install then just press the active button. that's it you successfully add the plugin to your site.
How Do I Add An Audio Player To WordPress?
You can simply add an Audio player to your WordPress website. To add just follow these steps
1. To add an audio file you have to install WordPress Audio Player plugins from your WordPress dashboard.
2. After install and active then click the Add Media button.
3. Drag your audio file onto the library, or click the Upload Files then Select Files to add your audio content to the Media Library.
4. At the right on the screen, fill in the relevant metadata for the audio file, including title, artist, album, caption and description.
How do I embed audio?
To embed an audio file just install any WordPress audio player plugin to your site after that follow these steps
1. Go to the page or post to your site where you want to embed then click on Embed tab and copy the Embed Code.
2. Then Place your cursor in the post where you want to embed the audio and click on Add Media button.
3. Then click on Insert Embed Code to paste it.
4. Paste the embed code into the Insert Embed code box and click Insert into post.
Click Publish once you have finished writing.
How do I add audio files?
First install any WordPress Audio Player Plugin to your WordPress website then follow these step to add audio file to your page or post
1. First copy your Wp plugins enbed code and then go to the page or post options where you want to add the audio file.
2. paste your embed code to your page or post.
3. Then upload the audio file through the WordPress Audio Player Plugin.
4. After audio file added successfully then just hit the publish button to publish the post or page.
1 thought on “Top 9 Best WordPress Audio Player Plugins: Guide 2025”
Thanks for sharing this amazing list of WordPress audio player plug-in. I did come across this functionality on one of the popular blogs, BloggingX. It was good. Being inspired, I have planned to add such audio player to my blog posts also. Sure, I’ll give these plug-ins a try.