Installing WordPress plugins is very simple and easy because of WordPress's user-friendly platforms. After successfully install WordPress you have to install themes and plugins to run a successful website. So here are details of how to install WordPress plugin step by step.
WordPress offers free plugins and free themes to use and design a beautiful blog or website successfully. installing themes or plugins is the same way by which you can install themes or plugins. There are 4 different ways by which you can install and activate WordPress plugins.
How to Install WordPress Plugin Manually?
How to install WordPress Plugin – There are 4 different ways by which you can install Plugins in WordPress. The first and easy way to install by plugins search, the second way to install plugins through uploading plugins, a third way to install plugins through your web hosting dashboard, and the last but not least way to install plugins through FTP. In this post, we discuss all these methods in detail.

Why you can't install Plugins and themes?
If you are using then you can not install plugins because has it's own limitations.
some users get confused between and and when they use then they can't install plugins and themes. has its own limitations so you can not install plugins and themes until you upgrade your account. You can also change your site from to self-hosted platforms.
Now move on to the 4 easy ways of How To Install WordPress Plugin manually step by step guide.
Video Guide Of How To Install WordPress Plugin
It is very easy to understand a instractions through video guide so here i include a video guide of how to install WordPress plugin and themes by 4 easy ways.
In this video guide you can check the three method of WordPress Plugin installations. The first method is through WordPress search and the second way is through manually upload plugins and the third way is upload and install plugins through FTP.
If you are searching for text guide then here are the step by step guide of How To Install WordPress Plugin.
Install Plugins From WordPress Plugins Search
Installing plugins through WordPress search is one of the very easy way to install a WordPress Plugins and active it. But here are some limitations of using WordPress search because here you can only find the free plugins to install and use.
If you are looking for some paid WordPress plugins then you have use another method to install and active it. I will show you how to install WordPress Paid Plugins in the next step.
So, to install free plugins First Login WP Dashboard > Go To Plugins > Add New

After appear the screen just type your keyword or which WordPress plugins you want to install. After type the WordPress plugin name automatically search result appear just like the below screen

After search result you have to install the plugins by click on the install now button and after installations process complete just click on the active now button to work with the plugins.

Until you active the plugins it will not work so after install the plugins just active the plugins and last one step is you have to configure the plugins after active the plugins. The configurations options you can find from the Plugins setting options.
That's it you learned how to install WordPress Plugin by WordPress Plugin search options.
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How To Install WordPress Plugin Using WordPress Admin Plugin Upload
The second way to install WordPress Plugins is through WordPress Admin Plugin upload. In this method you can upload both plugins and themes and paid plugins also.
In the first method, you can install paid plugins because the WordPress plugins directory does not support paid plugins. Only free plugins you can find through WordPress dashboard search options.
To upload and install WordPress Plugins first you have to download the plugins from secure platforms after that you can upload them. When you download the plugins it will be in the ZIP folder and you have to upload the full ZIP folder to the upload options. So going to the next step of How to upload and install plugins
First login to your WordPress Admin panel > Go To Plugins > Click On Add New Options

After clicking on Upload options, you can find new upload options is appear. You have to upload the already download plugins to the upload sections.

After upload and install the plugins you have to activate the plugins. If you do not activate the plugins then it will not work. After activating the plugins you can change settings or configure the plugins according to your sites.
Install WordPress Plugins Through Hosting File Manager
WordPress has a limitation of file size limit. If your WordPress plugin size is larger than the defined size then you can not upload or install a WordPress Plugins through the WordPress admin panel. In this case, you have used Web Hosting file manager options to upload WordPress Plugins.
If you use WordPress then just open your web hosting file manager. After opening the file manager you can find many files or some files it will depend on your hosting company and how many sites you host in this hosting.
Here is the step follow the steps to upload and install WordPress plugins
Login to Hosting Panel > Go To File Manager > Find ” HTDOCS” Folder

After find the folder > Open The Folder And Find “WP Content” Folder > open the WP Content Folder

After opening the Wp Content folder, you can find the Plugins folder and open the plugins folder and you have to upload the downloaded plugins in the plugins folder.

After open, the plugins folder upload the downloaded plugin through the upload options. After upload complete go to your WordPress Plugins options then active the WordPress Plugins.
After active the plugins you have to configure the Selected plugin that's it.
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How To Install WordPress Plugin Using FTP Client
Sometimes we need an FTP account when we have to upload a big size data, in that case, you can not install the plugins and themes from search or by using WordPress Upload options and sometimes web hosting platforms also set an upload limit at a time.
If your file size is larger than the size then you should help FTP. By using an FTP account you can upload a big amount of data at a time and there is no such small limit to upload to your file manager.
In this case, first, you have to get your FTP client user id and password. You can get the user id and password from your web hosting account.
After installing FTP clients just open the FTP Client from your computer and then log in by using your User id and password. After login finds the htdocs folder then open the folder and then find WP CONTENT Folder and open the folder and then Find PLUGINS Folder and open the plugins folder and upload your desire file to the plugins folder.
After successfully upload the plugins go to WordPress Dashboard options then open all plugins you can see the uploaded plugins and you have to activate the plugins to work perfectly. After active the plugins, you may configure the plugins according to your needs.
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FAQ On How To Install WordPress Plugin
If you are new in the WordPress Platforms or beginners in the website or blogging options then you may face many problems on installing WordPress plugins. Here I shortcut some of the best questions and try to answer all the questions.
What Are The Essential Plugins OF a Website?
Which plugins is essential for your website it is totally depends which type of website you run. If you run a normal blog website then you may install a few plugins. To run a normal website you need SEO, Security, Functions and caching plugins.
How Many Ways You Can Install WordPress Plugins?
There are mainly 4 ways by which you can install WordPress plugins to your website. First way is using search options and the second way is upload plugins through WordPress upload options and third way is upload and install plugins using web hosting file manager options and the last but not least way is upload and install plugins through FTP clients.
How To Find What Plugins Are Install?
You can easily find out what plugins are install to your website from your WordPress dashboard. To find the plugin just go to plugins sections where you can see all the installed plugins to your website.
What is difference between install and active plugins?
You can install unlimited number of plugins to your site. Until you active these plugins you can not use the plugins. After active the plugin you can use them. You can easily find out install and active plugins in the dashboard plugin page. All the install and active plugins will be in blue line area.
Are WordPress Plugins Are free?
Yes, you can find more than 55000+ free WP plugins to use for your site and some plugins also have paid versions. If you not satisfy with the free versions then just use paid versions plugins for your site.
Should I Delete Inactive Plugins?
If you are not using the plugins and if you think it will not requre for your website then you should delete the plugins. It will save space and decresae no of quirey.
How Many Plugins Should I Install In WordPres?
There are no number limit to install WordPress plugins. You can install as many plugins as you want. But one think you have to remember that you should install good and secure plugins for your site. Because some harmful WordPress plugins also available which may damage your full website.
How Do I Uninstall A WordPress Plugins?
You can easily uninstall a WordPress Plugins by deactivate them and after deactivate the plugins just delete the plugins. That's it.
How To Install WordPress Plugin From ZIP File?
You can easily install a WordPress plugins using ZIP file by simply upload the plugins on WordPress dashboard plugins upload options or you can use FTP client to upload or use hosting file manager options to upload the plugins. After upload the plugins simply click on the install options it will automatically install from the ZIP files.