Greengeeks is a world-famous web hosting company we all know it. But do you know how to create a wonderful and profitable blog with Greengeeks with just 3 easy steps even if you don't know any coding? Here I guide you on how you can create a beautiful WordPress blog with just a few clicks.
Before that you have to know some basic details about Greengeek web hosting company and what are the service they provide and how you can utilize these tools to make a profitable blog.
Learn About Greengeeks
The Greengeek is a very famous web hosting company they provide different types of web hosting packages for a small website owner to a large scale website or company.
This web hosting company mainly provides 4 types of web hosting. The first type is WordPress Hosting which is for all small site owners to large site owners who doesn't have any knowledge of coding. The second one is Woocommerce hosting which is especially for shopping websites or any service selling website, the third one is reseller web hosting package where you can create a small web hosting company and the last one is a virtual private server which is especially for a big company.
About Web Hosting Package Details
As I told before that they provide four types of web hosting plan. The web hosting plan starts from $2.49/month and the plan may be increased by $39.95/month according to which plan you choose.
WordPress Hosting Details
WordPress web hosting starts at $2.49/month but the regular price is $10.95/month. In this plan you can host only one website and here you get 50GB of data to host your website files, bandwidth is unlimited, unlimited traffic and you can create an unlimited database for your site, Light speed cache is included in the plan.
The second WordPress plan starts from $4.95/month but the regular price is $15.95/month. In this plan, you can host unlimited websites, unlimited web space, unlimited data transfer, free CDN, daily backup, unlimited bandwidth is included.
The third plan is for premium WordPress web hosting which is start from $8.95/month and the regular price is $25.95/month. Here all is unlimited and the speed will be more. If you want to run more than one website and want to run your website very fast then you can go for it.
Features Of WordPress Web Hosting
- Lightspeed Web Server helps your site to load fast.
- All storage is SSD storage which also helps your site load fast.
- Free CDN will load the site faster than others and load the image fast.
- A free SSL certificate will secure your website.
- Free malware removal will help your site clean.
- Spam filters also help your site to remove spam from your site.
- 1 Click website installer will help you to install easily.
- WordPress acceleration will load your site fast.
Managed Woocommerce Web Hosting Plan
Now move on to the Greengeeks managed Woocommerce web hosting plan. Like WordPress web hosting woocommerce web hosting also have three types of plan. The first plan is a lite plan and the second plan is a pro plan and the third plan is the premium plan.
In the lite plan, you can host only one website and the price starts from $2.49/month, get 50GB disk space to host your website files, get the free domain name for the first year, free SSL certificate will be included in the plan, performance will be standered.
In the pro plan, you can host an unlimited website and the price starts from $4.95/month. In this plan, you get all the features included in the lite plan and your site speed will be double.
Now move on to the premium plan in the premium plan you can host an unlimited website and the price of the plan start from $8.95/month. All pro features included in the premium plan and your website speed will be 4 times faster than the lite plan.
Features Of Woocommerce Web Hosting
- 1 Click site installer will help you to install your site easily.
- Auto-updates are available for your site.
- The daily backup will help your site secure.
- Advanced security options will help you to secure your site.
- 24×7 Hours customer support helps you to solve your site problems.
Managed VPS Web Hosting Plan
If you want to host your website on a private server then this plan is for you. Greengeeks offer 3 types of VPS web hosting. The first one is 2GB and the second one 4GB and the third one is 8GB.
You can see in the above picture in the 2GB plan you get only 2GB RAM to host your website and the disk space allowed here is 50GB. In the 4GB plan, you get 4GB RAM to host and run your website and the disk space will be 75GB and all are the same as the 2GB plan.
The last plan is an 8GB plan here get 8GB RAM to run faster your website and the CPU will be 6vCPU which means your site will load faster and the disk space allowed here is 150GB.
If you want to buy VPS web hosting and your site size is quite big and want to load fater your site then go for 4GB plan.
VPS Web Hosting Features
- Fully Managed plan.
- Multiple data center locations.
- 24×7 Hours proactive monitoring of your website and performance.
- Free Cpanel migration options available.
- Your website will be on advanced security features.
- The dedicated IP address for your VPS server.
- RAID 10 storage will help you to store fast.
- Intel Xeon Processor will process your site request fast.
- 99.9% server uptime guarantee.
- 300% Green Hosting.
Greengeeks Reseller Web Hosting Plan
Greengeeks offers reseller web hosting to create a web hosting company for you. If you think to create a small web hosting company then you can go for a reseller web hosting plan. They provide three types of web hosting plans. The first plan is RH-25 and the second plan is RH-50 and the third plan is RH-80.
In the RH-25 plan, you can get 25 Cpanel accounts and the price starts from $19.95/month. The next plan is the RH-50 plan in this plan you can get a 50 CPanel account and the price starts from $24.95 and you get 80GB SSD disk space. The next plan is RH-80 and in this plan, you get an 80 Cpanel account and you get 160GB SSD storage and a free SSL certificate for your plan.
How To Start A Blog With Greengeeks
You can easily create a profitable website with the Greengeek web hosting site. Here I will guide you on how can you easily create a beautiful website with simple 3 steps.
#1. Choose A Domain Name
First, decide what type of website you want to create? I mean in what niche you want to go for. After deciding your niche think about your domain name. Which type of domain you want to use. If your new in this field then you should choose a top-level domain name for your website.

Top-level domain name means .com, .in, .net, .co, etc these type of domain is quite easy to stand and rank first. By the way, if you already have a registered domain then you can easily transfer the domain to Greengeeks, or without transferring you can also host.
Greengeeks provides free domain name with all web hosting plan if you plan to buy any type of web hosting then you can get the domain name totally free.
#2. Choose The Hosting Plan
After selecting your domain name go to the Greengeeks main website then you can find different web hosting plans are available. If you are new then you can go for the shared web hosting plan. This plan starts from $2.95/month and If you want to know more about the plan then just scroll below to view the details.
If you know the coding then it is very good for you but if you don't have any coding knowledge then you can go for a WordPress web hosting plan. The price of WordPress web hosting is the same and the plan starts from $2.95/month.
#3. Install WordPress To Your Domain
Now the main work will be done here which is WordPress installation or you can install any other type of software to your site, it doesn't matter. Here I will show you how can you install WordPress to your website through Greengeeks web hosting plan.

Now I consider you choose your domain name, you choose your web hosting plan, you buy your web hosting, and verify your email address by clicking the email verifying link. After doing all these steps just follow these steps to install WordPress to your website.
How To Install WordPress To A Domain
#1. After doing all these step just login to your Greengeek web hosting account.
#2. After login you can see your account plan and there you can see “Cpanel Login” options. Just click on the cPanel login options.
#3. Find the Softaculous installer to install WordPress or any other software to your website.
#4. Click on the softaculous software installer.
#5. You can find the WordPress installer or if you want to install any other software then you can also find there.
#6. Click on the Install options.
#7. Choose http://www. from the drop down menu.
#8. Choose the domain name you want to install the WordPress software.
#9. Remove wp from the directory options and if you want install the WordPress on WP directory then you can leave it as it is.
#10. Give your blog name and give the blog descriptions in the description tag.
#11. Set your WP login user name and password.
#12. Give the admin email of the website that means any problem arrise you can reset your password or any type of notification will be reach to the admin email. So give the admin email caefully.
#13. Click on the install button.
Now you can see the wordpress install to your site and your site is ready to publish and now you can share your post on the site. Remember that your site WordPress admin url will be
Here i include a video about how to install WordPress on a particular domain name. If your don't understand from the above then just view the video once here
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Greengeeks Hosting Good?
Yes, Greengeek hosting is good because they provide very reliable and good speed web hosting in compare to the other web hosting providers. The price range is also not so high so you can easily buy the plan and the clocking time is 487ms.
How Do You Cancel GreenGeek Account?
After purchase if you think this is not suitable for you or if you are not satisfied with their service then you can easily submit a canceleration request from your account. Remember that canceleration request you have to submit 7 days before the account renewal.
What are the Greengeeks Nameservers?
If you are searching for Greengeeks name servers then here are the three name servers of greengeek
Is Greengeek provide Green Hosting?
Yes Greengeeks provides green web hosting as they demand. You can see they demand that they provide 300% green web hosting.
What is Green we Hosting?
Green web hosting companies try to address this issue by investing in some form of carbon offsetting scheme, so that for every unit of energy they use, they pay to generate the same amount of energy (or sometimes more) from renewables, and pump that into the grid. Here Greengeeks web hosting is one of them who provide Green web hosting.
In this guide, I will try to show you can easily create a beautiful blog or any other type of website with just 3 easy steps. Greengeeks also provide you free customer care support where they will solve your all questions and web hosting-related problems. They are 24×7 hours available to assist you.